Secretary to the Board of Education
Contact the Board

Process for Public Participation at a Board Meeting

  • Please review BE-R School Board Meeting Public Participation Guidelines before completing and submitting the form below.
  • Complete the form online 24 hours before the meeting that you wish to address the board. You must fill in the name, address, phone number, and topic.
  • Attend the meeting and make your comments when your name is called.
  • Remote viewers will have their comments read to the Board during the in-person meeting.

Please understand that the board members are not able to respond immediately to your questions or concerns. The board will consider our comments carefully and depending on the topic, will refer the matter to the superintendent to follow up with you within a week of using the contact information you provided.

Public Participation Form

Board of Education

The Board of Education meets bi-monthly on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday's of the month. Board meetings are held in the Gilpin County School Board room, 10595 CO Highway 119, Black Hawk, CO 80422, at 7:00 p.m. and are open to the public.