Technology Department
As part of continual efforts to provide students with greater opportunities to learn, engage, communicate, and develop skills, the Gilpin County School District RE-1 (GCSD) provides students with G Suite for Education accounts. G Suite for Education is a collection of free programs including email, document creation tools, and collaboration tools that are accessed through a web browser. Commonly referred to as working "in the cloud," G Suite for Education provides access to documents and projects from any Internet connected computer or other compatible device, enabling faculty and students to access their school documents and projects both in and out of school.
G Suite for Education services are available through an agreement between Google and GCSD. G Suite for Education runs on an internet domain purchased and managed by GCSD and is intended for educational use. Accounts and settings are managed by GCSD and all advertising is disabled. K-12th grade students are issued an email address which also serves as their login for G Suite for Education.
Student email can only be used within the District between students and teachers. School faculty and staff will monitor student use of G Suite for Education when students are at school. Parents are responsible for monitoring their student's use of G Suite for Education when accessing the program at home. Students are responsible for their own behavior at all times.
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